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Intake Screens

Intake Screens

Best used at the end of a pipe to keep large debris and fish from being sucked into the line.

Item #: SR 150P
1-1/2-in. FPT Intake Screen

Our Price: $ 18.00
Item #: SR 200P
2-in. FPT Intake Screen

Our Price: $ 18.00
Item #: TS3.0
3-in. FPT Intake Screen

Our Price: $ 28.00

More Intake Screens ↓

Universal Pre-Filter Screen

Universal Pre-Filter Screen

Details: Helps Protect the mechanical operation of the pump. Adapts to pumps with threaded inlets. Will not fill-in as quickly as typical sponge filters. CFS155T has 1/2" and 3/4" FPT Connection - Approx. dimensions 3-3/4" x 4-1/4"
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