Aqua Ultima II Filter - 6000 Model - 2-in. Valve
ULTIMA II 6000 filter for Koi ponds up to 6000 gallons.
No channeling * Minutes to backwash * Can handle heavy fish loads * Seeded with bacteria * Filter can be buried * Unique tubular design protects bacteria while dislodging unwanted debris.
Features: 2" inlet and outlet Dimensions: 41" x 22.5"
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Aqua UV's Ultima II filter provides amazingly effective and efficient biological and mechanical filtration for Koi ponds. Easy Setup And Assembly No Blower Needed Just Minutes To Backwash Internal Jets Do The Work For You Unique Patented Media ...
Aqua Ultima II Filter - 2000 Model
The Ultima II is specifically engineered to meet the environmental demands of ponds. The lightweight media is designed for very high flow rates. There is a patent pending on the tubular media which has low head loss and a very high biofilm surface. The “Y” shape on the inside and wings on the outside affords a pro ...
Aqua Ultima II Filter - 4000 Model
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Aqua Ultima II Filter - 10000 Model - 2-in. Valve
ULTIMA II 10000 filter for Koi ponds up to 10000 gallons. No channeling * Minutes to backwash * Can handle heavy fish loads * Seeded with bacteria * Filter can be buried * Unique tubular design protects bacteria while dislodging unwanted debris. Features: 2" inlet and o ...
Aqua Ultima II Filter - 20000 Model - 2-in. Valve
ULTIMA II 20000 filter for Koi ponds up to 20000 gallons. No channeling * Minutes to backwash * Can handle heavy fish loads * Seeded with bacteria * Filter can be buried * Unique tubular design protects bacteria while dislodging unwanted debris. Features: 2" inlet and o ...
Aqua Ultima II Filter - 30000 Model - 2-in. Top Mount Valve
Aqua UV's Ultima II filter provides amazingly effective and efficient biological and mechanical filtration for Koi ponds. Easy Setup And Assembly No Blower Needed Just Minutes To Backwash Internal Jets Do The Work For You Unique Patented Media ...
Aqua Ultima II Filter - 30000 Model - 3-in. Side Mount Valve
Aqua UV's Ultima II filter provides amazingly effective and efficient biological and mechanical filtration for Koi ponds. Easy Setup And Assembly No Blower Needed Just Minutes To Backwash Internal Jets Do The Work For You Unique Patented Media ...