Aquadyne AD4000 Pressurized Filter - Ponds up to 4000 gallons
Again, as with the Model 1.1, The Model 2.2 is an excellent choice for a bead filtration system within a given price range for larger ponds. The Model 2.2-B by far exceeds the performance of the standard 2.2 at a slightly higher initial cost at the benefit of turbo-charging the efficiency of your filter. Carefully compare both filters performance data. Here again, we now fit the Standard 2.2 also with the necessary bulkheads for a later simple backyard conversion to the Model 2.2-B. The standard 2.2 can also be converted to a 2.2-B yourself with no special tools. If you are relatively sure that you will likely convert your filter to a Dynamax system at a later date, we advise that you not wait and purchase the appropriate model initially. By the time you decide to convert, you could have had it running from day one with no concern of conversion.
Check Out These Standard Features
No Internal Elbows No Flow Restrictions No Weak Spin Welding |
Support Up to 120# of Fish 2.2 cubic feet of media Diameter 24" Height 42" Maximum Pressure: 50 PSI Average Footprint with pump and UV: 24"D x 40"W Average backwash 250 gal. | Avg. Filtration Flow: 1000-4000 Gph Minimum Backwash Flow: 4000 Gph Suggested Pump: 1.5Hp 2 speed or equiv. Dynamax Air Assist Option: Compatible Includes 3 Quick Disconnect Unions Plumbing is 1.5" on all ports. (pump not included) |
Featuring a Limited Lifetime Warranty
More Aquadyne Bead Filters ↓

Aquadyne AD1000 Pressurized Filter - Ponds up to 1000 gallons
The model .60-B was developed at the request of many who needed a powerhouse filter in a small package that would perform like our other larger filters with blowers, in a slightly smaller footprint. This filter works excellently with most any 1200 gph external or submersible pump. If you intend to use a submersible pump, please use the order num ...
Aquadyne AD2000 Pressurized Filter - Ponds up to 2000 gallons
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Aquadyne AD8000HE Pressurized Filter - Ponds up to 8000 gallons
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Aquadyne AD16000 Pressurized Filter - Ponds up to 16000 gallons
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Aquadyne AD30000 Pressurized Filter - Ponds up to 30000 gallons
Check Out These Standard Features Power BackwashBottom Sludge Drain
Replacement Beads - Fit Aquadyne Bead Filters
Replacement Bead Media for the Aquadyne Bead Filters.Purchase just the right amount for your filterAlso available by the lb but we ask that you purchase 10lbs minimum (enter quantity for each lb - example for 20lbs - enter 20 for quantity)