Master Liquid Test Kit from Pond Care
PondCare® Master Test Kit is a complete kit for testing tap water & pond water. Tests water 4 different ways to protect pond fish from dangerous water conditions. Tests include: pH, ammonia, nitrite, and phosphate.
This kit contains: 6 x liquid dropper test solution bottles with child-resistant safety caps, easy to read instructions with information on how to test and how to correct unsafe water conditions, new and improved easy to read color charts and 4 x glass test tubes with snap-tight caps along with a convenient carry tray.
- Fast - Easy - Accurate
- Up to 500 total tests
- Freshwater or Saltwater
- Tests for pH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Phosphate
- Type of test: Liquid
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Liquid Ammonia Test Kit from Pond Care
Liquid Ammonia Test Kit from Pond Care Quickly & accurately measures the level of ammonia in pond water, reading levels from 0 ppm to 7 ppm. Makes 130 tests. Determines the level of toxic ammonia in both new & established ponds. Ammonia is continuously produced from fish waste & urine, uneaten fish food &a ...
Liquid Nitrite Test Kit from Pond Care
Liquid Nitrite Test Kit from Pond Care Quickly & accurately measures the level of nitrite in pond water, reading levels from 0 ppm to 5 ppm. Makes 180 tests. Determines the level of nitrite, a toxic chemical produced when nitrifying bacteria break down ammonia in pond water. High nitrite levels may cause pond fish ...
Liquid Wide Range pH Test Kit from Pond Care
Liquid Wide Range pH Test Kit from Pond Care quickly and accurately measures the pH of pond water, reading pH levels from 5.0 to 9.0 - Makes about 160 tests. Prevents the harmful effects of too alkaline/too acidic pond water resulting from minerals found in tap water, high ammonia levels in the pond, rain runoff or overstocki ...