Savio - Drop in UV Units - New Stainless Steel Models
The NEW Savio - NEW Stainless Steel HO UV Clarifier is specially designed to fit inside the Savio Skimmer units.
The NEW Savio - NEW Stainless Steel HO unit comes in two sizes to give you the opportunity to give you pond the proper amount of UV killing power. The Savio Full Size Skimmer has a specially designed area to hold up to two UV units. The Savio Compact Skimmer has one UV port in the center allowing the use of One 18 Watt Unit.
Each Savio UV Clarifier comes with a 12' power cord. Lamps are a New Style with 4 Pins. Parts for the older models are not compatible with the new SS Models.
Optional 28 Watt SS HO UVinex Clarifier
(only for use with Savio Compact Skimmerfilters™ - maximum 1 UVC unit per Compact Skimmerfilter™)
Optional 35 Watt SS HO UVinex Clarifier
(only for use with Savio Skimmerfilters™ - maximum 2 UVC units per Skimmerfilter™)
- Maximum Pond Size: 3000 gallons
- Maximum Flow Rate: 2500 GPH
Optional 55 Watt SS HO UVinex Clarifier
(only for use with Savio Skimmerfilters™ - maximum 2 UVC units per Skimmerfilter™)
- Maximum Pond Size: 5000 gallons
- Maximum Flow Rate: 4750 GPH
The New Savio Stainless Steel UVinex has a new style of transformer that sits outside of the skimmer box and the lamps are coated and do not require the use of a quartz sleeve. The UVinex units require a retro bracket for older skimmer models made before January 2007.